Maps & Directions
Richard Pleines Gunsmith

Old Hickory Furniture of Connecticut

628 Route 148 Killingworth CT 06419

Located in South Central Connecticut

Half Way Between Boston and New York
in Southern New England

Old Hickory Furniture of Connecticut BBB Business Review


Map New York / Boston

Map South Central Connecticut

Richard Pleines Gunsmith & Old Hickory Furniture are on Route 148
three miles east from Route 79 & four miles west from Route 81

FROM:Rt 95,Exit 61(Rt 79) 11.5mi North,Right on Rt 148,3mi on the Right, FROM:Rt
95,Exit 63(Rt 81) 7.2mi North,Left on Rt 148,4mi on the Left

FROM:Rt 9,South Bound,Exit 9,(Rt 81) 5.6mi South,Right on Rt 148,4mi on the Left

  FROM:Rt 9,North Bound,Exit 6,(Rt 148) Left (West),9mi on the Left

 FROM:Rt 91,Exit 15(Rt 68) 15mi East,Right on Rt 17,1.5mi South,Left Rt79
     2.5miSouth,Left on Rt 148 ,3mi on the Right

FROM:Rt 84,Exit 27 North/28 South (Rt 691) 10.5mi East,Right on Rt 147 5mi, Right on Rt 17 1.6mi South,Left on Rt 79 2.5mi South,Left on Rt 148,3mi on the Right

FROM:Rt 15,(Merritt and Wilbur Cross Parkways) exit at North Haven (Rt 22)4.5 East ,Left on Rt17 8.5mi North,Right on Rt 79 2.5mi South,Left on Rt 148,3mi on the Right

Bradley International Airport, Hartford;South Route 91,Left Exit #22, Route 9,to Exit #9,Route 81,Right at Exit (South) on Route 81,5.6mi,Right on Route 148,4mi on the Left

When traveling from the New York City area at times of high traffic volume, consider route 684 north from route 287 in the White Plains area to route 84 east. Follow directions above (From: Rt 84) This route is five miles longer, but less traffic.

Richard Pleines Gunsmith
Old Hickory Furniture of Connecticut
628 RT 148
Killingworth Connecticut 06409
